Civil Engineering Week at the Budapest University of Technology - Colas Alterra
Civil Engineering Week at the Budapest University of Technology

2015. 09. 28..

One of the faculty’s most prestigious programmes, the Civil Engineering Week was held between 28 September and 1 October 2015 in and around the Vásárhelyi Pál Dorm. For the past 13 years, the goal of the event remained unchanged: to form a deep, long-term relationship between the faculty’s students and representatives of the sector. Undergrads are provided a chance to get acquainted with their chosen profession in live situations, and to have a glimpse into the present and future of the civil engineering trade.

Along with numerous presentations and site visit opportunities, the agenda included the international bridge building competition and the highly-popular test cube contest.

The lecture of Colas Hungária’s technology director, Puchard Zoltán focussed on the company’s special road construction techniques, and Colas Alterra held a guided tour for curious students on the Clark Ádám Square job site, where a tunnel is currently being reconstructed under the Széchenyi Chain Bridge.

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Colas Hungária