Sewer reconstruction works in downtown Budapest - Colas Alterra
Sewer reconstruction works in downtown Budapest
As part of the investment carried out by FCSM Zrt., we performed sewer reconstruction works under Balassi Street in Budapest’s District V and XIII. The combined main collector was built from monolith concrete nearly 100 years ago with a so-called half Paris cross-section. According to the preliminary study, long segments of the sewer were damaged, and cracks developed all along the top arch.

Therefore, the deteriorated sewer had to be reinforced – the related design and construction duties were carried out by Colas Alterra Zrt. The proposed solution had to ensure the safe operation of the structure, while avoiding any significant reduction of the interior cross-section. To achieve this objective, we opted for the shotcrete reinforcement technique in agreement with the cooperating expert’s opinion. The planned thickness of shotcrete was 12 centimetres, with two layers of pre-fabricated reinforcing mesh, and the synergy of the new and the old structures was ensured with drilled and cemented rebar pins.

Client: Fővárosi Csatornázási Művek Zrt.

Starting date: 10/06/2014Kezdés: 2014.06.10.

Completion date: 30/09/2014Befejezés: 2014.09.30.

Location: Budapest

Colas Hungária