Search result - Colas Alterra


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Érd és térsége szennyvízcsatornázás 3
The complete investment includes over 320 km of backbone pipeline with the related pressurised network, as well as approximately 22
Budapest 37-es villamos-pálya felújítás 1
Back in March 2011, BKV Zrt. (Budapest Public Transport Co.) announced a public procurement tender for reconstruction of tramline 37
Rákosvölgyi északi főgyűjtő
The first phase of the Rákosvölgy main collector was built by our predecessor, Alterra Kft., and after a long period
Miskolc városi villamosvasút fejlesztése 10
Works were carried out by the Miskolc Zöld Nyíl 2009 Consortium, whose members include Colas Út Zrt. and Colas Alterra Zrt., and two other
Közműépítés a budapesti Andor utcában 2
The public utility line construction job of Colas Alterra is related to the tasks of the Southern Buda relief road construction
Pásztó kistérségi központ rehabilitáció 2
Colas Alterra Zrt. had been selected to complete the rehabilitation works of the Pásztó micro-region center. The job involved the
Ferencvárosi szennyvízátemelő – záporoldal 2
The construction of the sewage-water pump station was still under way when in August 2009 the reconstruction of the storm-water
Kelenföldi átemelő 1
With the realization of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant of Budapest the role of the Sewage Lifting Plant in Kelenföld will
Apc aluminium kohósalak lerakó VI. medence 2
Salker Salakfeldolgozó és Kereskedelmi Ltd. operates its aluminium slag dust landfill site on a 4.9 Ha plot on the outskirts of the settlement
A major milestone was reached in 2010: the rebuilding and resurfacing of Budapest’s Fővám Square and Kálvin Square was completed.
Csomádi hulladéklerakó 1
The Csomád sludge storage facility constructed by Colas Alterra serves to store 70 000 m³ of sewage sludge from the wastewater
Soproni és fertőrákosi szennyvíztisztító telepek fejlesztése 5
The project included: technological modernization of the sewage water plant while maintaining plant operation and increasing the dry weather flow
Biharkeresztes és Ártánd szennyvízcsatorna és szennyvíztisztító telep 3
ALTERRA Kft. constructed the sewage network and wastewater treatment plant of Biharkeresztes and Ártánd. Main parameters of the project: NA
Budapesti Központi Szennyvíztisztító Telep 9
The new sewerage treatment plant constructed by a consortium of Degrémont S.A., OTV France, Hídépítő Rt. and our predecessor, ALTERRA Kft. included primary and
Velence-tavi regionális szennyvízelvezető, tisztító rendszer 6
The construction and erection works of "Velence Lake Regional Wastewater Treatment System Development" were carried out by Alterra Kft. Main
Budapest, Határ úti csatornarekonstrukció
The project entailed the following works: Reconstructing 1204.7 m of (30/45 t/b section) main sewer network with soft lining, Constructing
Szegedi főgyűjtő 1
The construction of the main sewage collector as part of the project entitled “Extension and development of the sewage treatment
Colas Hungária