Flood-control works around Felsőzsolca - Colas Közlekedésépítő
Flood-control works around Felsőzsolca

2011. 05. 09..

Colas Alterra and Colas Hungária are participating in the construction of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County’s complex flood control system set to prevent future flood damages. Circular embankments are to be set up at Felsőzsolca and Ónod, while an emergency reservoir is being built near Bódvalenke. Furthermore, we are also dredging the beds of the Sajó, Bódva and Hernád rivers on a total length of 18 km.

Árvízvédelmi munkák Felsőzsolcán és környékén 2
Colas Hungária