2013. 09. 16..
Construction works by Colas Hungária Zrt and Colas Út Zrt are under way on the 13+800-20+800 km section of the M85 high-speed main road. During the preparation phase for the project, a number of environmentally sensitive obligations had come up, among them tree cutting works on the Natura 2000 area crossed by the carriageway, and replantation works in order to save specimen of a protected species, the Small-headed Thistle.
Following discussions with the environmental supervisor, we concluded a joint site inspection on the plots in question. We found that the path of the carriageway section on the outskirts of Dör gave home to a species of Thistle endemic to the Pannon floristic region, and having a theoretical value of 5000 forints/plant.
Previous information indicated only a small number of plants – in contrast, we discovered a significant population during the inspection. Subsequently, we began acquiring the permits from the relevant authority (Northern-Transdanubian Inspectorate for Environment, Nature and Water) for relocating over 270 plants. As a result of excellent communication between the parties, we managed to shorten the permitting procedure from an expected three to just one and a half months (including deficiency supplementary requests).
Therefore, the environmental permit has been obtained, making way for the replantation to begin in mid-November. In compliance with stipulations of the permit, works are to go ahead – under thorough control from the site manager – with participation of the environmental supervisor acting as a coordinating agent.