Mercedes plant – Public utilities for construction - Colas Közlekedésépítő
Mercedes plant - Public utilities for construction
On 29 March 2012, production started in the Kecskemét plant of Mercedes-Benz. Colas was present on the site right from the start of the factory’s construction works, stripping some 40,000 m3 of topsoil on 45 hectares.

At a later stage, the company was commissioned with establishment and maintenance of temporary power, water supply, and wastewater discharge networks of the site. Installation of the temporary power network entailed four transformer stations, over 100 power distribution cabinets, some 6,000 m of
high-voltage underground cables, and 16,000 m of aerial cables mounted on temporary pylons, while nearly 3,000 m of water line was also constructed. In addition, we established seven high-capacity wastewater storage structures for temporary facilities on the site, and kept operating those until the handover procedure.

Client: Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Hungary Kft.

Starting date: 03/09/2009Kezdés: 2009.09.03.

Completion date: 31/10/2011Befejezés: 2011.10.31.

Location: Kecskemét

Earthworks: 40 000 m3Földmunka: 40 000 m3
Colas Hungária