M3 motorway reconstructed with Warm Remix Technology - Colas Technológia
M3 motorway reconstructed with Warm Remix Technology
Earlier in 2010, Állami Autópálya Kezelő Zrt (Hungarian State Motorway Operator) announced the tender for pavement reconstruction works on the left carriageway of the M3 Motorway between chainages 114+350-128+900 (14.6 km) and 131+700-144+700 (13 km). The job includes preparation of pavement reconstruction and traffic engineering designs, traffic diversion and detour route plans and method statement of the remix (admix) technology. The winning bidder M3 Co-In-Ro consortium is led by COLAS ÚT Zrt, with consortium partners being Roden Kft in designing tasks and Inreco Hungary Kft in remix (admix) technology. Based on the undertaking, the construction interval was 37 days, the keeping of which required well-organized, accurate and fast work performance.

Designs and technological conditions were developed by the first week of March. Following the handing over of the site on 18 March, works were commenced on 29 March, after some delay caused by unfavourable weather. Within the frame of works, the existing wearing course was to be milled up in the driving, entry and exit lanes. Afterwards, recycling 4 cm from the existing binding course, and by adding an additional 4 cm of AC 22 (F) binder, 8 cm of binding course was produced. Regarding the passing and emergency lanes, pothole repair and crack sealing works were to be carried out. Subsequently, one 4.0 cm thick layer of mk. SMA-11(F) wearing course was to be laid onto the driving, passing, entry and exit lanes, while the emergency lane was paved with a 4.0 cm layer of mk. AC-11(F) wearing course. The company also performed reconstruction of structures within the section by replacement of binding and wearing courses and reparation of edges.

The contractors laid a great emphasis on quality as well, which was constantly monitored by the assigned control laboratory in addition to the contractors themselves. Works were completed on schedule, on 30 May 2010.

Client: Állami Autópálya Kezelő Zrt.

Starting date: 16/03/2010Kezdés: 2010.03.16.

Completion date: 30/05/2010Befejezés: 2010.05.30.

Colas Hungária