In the first half of 2017, Hungarian public road operator Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt. prequalified three companies – among them…
In 2018, the most-awaited element of the sustainable urban-transport development programme will take shape in Veszprém in the form of…
The northern phase of the M25 starts near chainage 0+000 of road 2502, and ends at the roundabout established as…
The consortium of Colas Út Zrt., Colas Hungária Zrt. and Colas Közlekedésépítő Kft. edged out the competition in the public…
The tender was won by Colas Út Zrt. in consortium with Délút Kft., Colas Közlekedésépítési Kft. and Colas Hungária Zrt. The Colas Group…
As the leader of a consortium also having Colas Hungária among its members, Colas Út Zrt. has recently entered into…
Hundreds of millions of forints were set aside in 2017 year for various road-repair works in Szeged, the capital of…
On 1 July 2016, we signed a contract with Grabarics Kft. for carrying out road-construction works at the production plant…
Under the project entitled “Construction works of the 2016 road renovation programme, phase III”, BKK (Centre for Budapest Transport) requested…
On assignment from Zalaerdő Zrt., we have renovated a 4,860-metre-long stretch of deteriorated forest road between Pusztamagyaród and Szentpéterfölde with…