One of the group’s newest members, Colas Közlekedésépítő, was established as the legal successor of the Motorway Directorate in late 2016. Through the years, we have completed over 200 kilometres of motorway sections, including such large-scale investments as the 30-kilometre-long stretch of the M6 motorway between Szekszárd and Véménd, where we managed to build three viaducts and 32 other structures over a span of two years. We were also tasked with constructing concrete pavements in a length of 12 kilometres on the M31 and in a length of 20 kilometres on the M0 motorway ring around Budapest. In addition to the Nyíregyháza-Vásárosnamény leg of the M3, the M85 between Enese and Csorna, and the Szamos-Kraszna water inlet structure, we have proved our expertise in several bridge renovation jobs. In terms of organisation, Közlekedésépítő is divided into a structural department and a road construction department. The first three of the new firm’s large projects were the Hódmezővásárhely bypass section of road 47, the Cegléd bypass leg of the M4 motorway, and the M35 motorway.
Bridges to connect people
At Colas Közlekedésépítő, we are proud to have been responsible for building both the country’s second largest viaduct and several of the smaller bridges crossing our motorways. In recent years, we have been involved in the construction and remodelling of some 120 bridges of various sizes, as well as numerous other structures.
The seven bridges on the M3 east of Nyíregyháza, the bridge over railway lines at Mezőberény, the commuter railway bridge near the Csepel ridge-road all bear the mark of our works, but we also constructed the retaining walls on the southern sector of the M0 and the Szentgotthárd river barrage.
The company’s flagship is the 866-metre-long Szebény viaduct. The 8,200-tonne steel structure was launched onto the piers (located some 100 m apart) at a speed of 5 mm per second. Never before has a bridge with such spans been built in Hungary with this technology
The steel structure of the M6 motorway’s bridge over the Sió Channel was slid onto the piers along a 2500-metre-radius curve. As a first in the country, the deck slab was concreted with forming wagon technology, which involves formworks required for concreting works suspended and rolling on the steel structure of the bridge.