M3 motorway (Main road 49-Vásárosnamény)
As a member of the “M3 Kraszna 2012 Consortium”, Colas Hungária was awarded the construction works of the motorway M3 section between main road 49 and Vásárosnamény, along with related structures, through a public procurement procedure. One of the challenges of the project is the relocation of an 800-mm-diameter high-pressure gas pipeline crossing the site at a very acute angle, thus – taking safety zones into consideration – it obstructs activities on a 1.5-km-long section of the site, including a bridge. On areas unaffected by the gas line, construction works were launched without delay subsequent to the handing over of the site on 30 April.
Client: Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.
Starting date: 30/04/2013Kezdés: 2013.04.30.
Completion date: 10/10/2014Befejezés: 2014.10.10.
Length: 12 kmHossz: 12 km
Section: 268+000-279+900Szelvény: 268+000-279+900
Number of lanes: 2x2 + emergency lanesSávok száma: 2x2 + emergency lanes
Asphalt: 54 400 tAszfalt: 54 400 t
Concrete: 60 600 m3Beton: 60 600 m3
Earthworks: 1 421 000 m3Földmunka: 1 421 000 m3
Number of structures: 6Műtárgyak száma: 6
Section: 268+000-279+900Szelvény: 268+000-279+900
Number of lanes: 2x2 + emergency lanesSávok száma: 2x2 + emergency lanes
Asphalt: 54 400 tAszfalt: 54 400 t
Concrete: 60 600 m3Beton: 60 600 m3
Earthworks: 1 421 000 m3Földmunka: 1 421 000 m3
Number of structures: 6Műtárgyak száma: 6