M5 median barrier renewal
Our Major Projects Division was awarded the project of exchanging steel guard rails with precast concrete barriers on motorway M5. The existing steel guard rails will be removed between chainages 13 and 18 on a 4.4 km section, the median strip will be paved with asphalt, on which H2 retaining class barriers will be craned.
Client: Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt.
Starting date: 27/07/2015Kezdés: 2015.07.27.
Completion date: 24/11/2015Befejezés: 2015.11.24.
Length: 4.4 kmHossz: 4.4 km
Concrete: 3 000 m3Beton: 3 000 m3
Earthworks: 74 000 m3Földmunka: 74 000 m3
Bite: 7 500 m3Marás: 7 500 m3
Concrete: 3 000 m3Beton: 3 000 m3
Earthworks: 74 000 m3Földmunka: 74 000 m3
Bite: 7 500 m3Marás: 7 500 m3