Suburban railway bridge in Csepel - Colas Közlekedésépítő
Suburban railway bridge in Csepel
Construction of the Csepel ridge road required conversion and reconstruction of the existing HÉV (suburban railway) bridge. The works have been carried out by Colas Hungária Zrt. as a subcontractor of Colas Út. The railway line on the affected section was completed by Colas Alterra.

Starting date: 01/11/2010Kezdés: 2010.11.01.

Completion date: 31/08/2011Befejezés: 2011.08.31.

Location: Budapest - Csepel

Length: 60 mHossz: 60 m
Concrete: 2 100 m3 Beton: 2 100 m3
Number of supports: 4Támaszok száma: 4
Concrete steel: 190 tBetonacél: 190 t
Colas Hungária