M85 Győr-Enese section bridges - Colas Közlekedésépítő
M85 Győr-Enese section bridges
The Győr-Enese section of M85 is an integral part of a high-speed road, which leads between Győr and Szombathely and between Győr and Sopron in the future. On this 7 km section our task were 2 public road underpasses, 3 public road overpasses, one public road bridge crossing a stream, and the demolition of a public road bridge. The job was carried our partially in NATURA 2000 zone, which made construction even more complicated. Among the bridges there were 1, 2 and 3 span bridges but all of them were traditional precast concrete girder structures.

Client: Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.

Starting date: 28/06/2013Kezdés: 2013.06.28.

Completion date: 29/05/2015Befejezés: 2015.05.29.

Earthworks: 25 000 m3Földmunka: 25 000 m3
Structural concrete: 4500 m3Szerkezeti beton: 4500 m3
Concrete steel: 520 tBetonacél: 520 t
Number of beams: 194Gerendák száma: 194
Colas Hungária