Szamos-Kraszna Water Inlet Structure - Colas Közlekedésépítő
Szamos-Kraszna Water Inlet Structure
The Szamos-Kraszna flood-control reservoir is the Major Projects Division’s largest water-engineering job. Following preparatory earthworks, the reinforced concrete sheet-pile foundation for the main structure and the adjacent wingwalls were prepared. The foundation slab for the structure was built in five segments, simultaneously with the 13 piers on the completed slabs, starting at the outermost ones and proceeding inwards in multiple concreting phases. Under the intermediate pier (no. 7), a land management channel was established, which will facilitate agricultural water supply on the area of the reservoir. After the piers were finished, the steel gates were installed in the 8-m-wide openings. Two arched-steel gates and one flat-steel gate – the latter providing temporary locking – were installed into each of the 12 openings. The upstream and downstream sections were constructed in the next step, followed by erection of the two-lane service bridge linking the top of the piers. The road to the bridge was set up on the embankment crown leading up to the wing-walls.

Client: Közgép Zrt.

Starting date: 20/04/2012Kezdés: 2012.04.20.

Completion date: 30/11/2014Befejezés: 2014.11.30.

Location: Tunyogmatolcs

Concrete: 16 110 m3Beton: 16 110 m3
Earthworks: 22 500 m3Földmunka: 22 500 m3
Concrete steel: 1 480 tBetonacél: 1 480 t
Area: 51.1 km2Terület: 51.1 km2
Colas Hungária