2012. 02. 25..
Alterra celebrated the 60th anniversary of its foundation with a grandiose celebration held on the Európa Ship with participation of its current and former colleagues, as well as business partners. Complimentary speeches were delivered by József Pavelka, Director of Közmű- és Mélyépítő Vállalat, Mr. Gábor Szöllősi, the Regional Director of Alterra Kft, Mr. Béla Juhász, the Managing Director of Alterra Kft and Mr. László Görbedi, the CEO of Colas-Alterra. The event hosted a charity tombola – the entire amount raised was donated to the Meals for Children Foundation.
Our predecessor, Csatornaépítő Vállalat was founded in 1951. After reorganizations, the company had been named `Közmű- és Mélyépítő Vállalat` from 1968. In 1991, the company founded ALTERRA Építőipari Kft., which, after privatization, joined the French company group of COLAS SA. From 2009, the company has been oparating under the name COLAS-ALTERRA Zrt., and is proud to have such large-scale works as the Budapest Central Wastewater Treatment Plant or the Sewage Network of Érd.