The final touches have been put to the Lake Balaton drainage system, with several weirs and sluices being renewed, but the work is far from over.
The last decades are coming to an end in Budapest the largest investment in drinking water quality in decades, the network outdated pipes in the network.
The aim of the project is the development of flood protection in the Alsó-Tisza.
The project is expected to be completed on November 19, 2022, in 38 months.
The works on Lake Velence started in 2018. They are currently at a 50% level. The project is expected to reach its end in the summer of 2021.
On June 22, 2020, Colas Alterra Zrt. in consortium with SADE Magyarország Mélyépítő Kft. are beginning to expand the channel to 1.6 meters on 1200 meters.
Colas Alterra was again among the sponsors of the opening round of the 2020 X-Trial World Championship in 19 January in Budapest Sportarena. The spectacular competition was
The plaquette named after Hungarian engineer Hugó Lampl born in 1883 was inaugurated on 19th November at the Siófok wastewater treatment plant constructed by Colas Alterra and
Instructors and students visited the multifunctional water drainage structure under construction at Tass