As part of work phase 3, we are to build 10.3 kilometres of drainpipes in Budapest’s District XVI, and two transfer pumps are also to be set up at this location. The complete project covers numerous streets, which have been lacking proper drainage in Districts X, XVI and XVII.
Phase 5 entails 20.5 kilometres of drainpipes to be laid throughout works performed in Districts XVIII and XXIII. We were assigned the bulk of the job in District XVIII with operations on an overall 17.8 kilometres, including the installation of a transfer pump.
Chief Engineering no. 12 started off tasks affecting Districts XVI and XVIII in late October 2013, deploying subcontractors to support Colas’ teams. As works are executed simultaneously in several smaller streets, the timely manufacturing and delivery of materials, pipes and manhole units required for drainpipe construction demand superb coordination and hence continuous daily communication with suppliers and shipping companies. The completion deadline is 23 March 2015 for phase 3 and 20 July 2015 for phase 5.
Starting date: 20/06/2013Kezdés: 2013.06.20.
Completion date: 20/07/2015Befejezés: 2015.07.20.
Location: Budapest