Flood-control works on the Lower Tisza - Colas Alterra
Flood-control works on the Lower Tisza
The project is made up of four major elements: we are constructing floodgates on the Dongér and Sámson-Apátfa channels, and improving embankments on the left banks of the Tisza and Hármas-Körös rivers. Besides the physical part of the works described above, we are also to prepare the necessary studies and designs, and obtain the permits from the water-management authorities. After receiving the commission from the client – a consortium uniting the General Directorate of Water Management and the Lower Tisza Region Directorate of Water Management – we signed the contract on 9 February 2017.

Starting date: 09/02/2017Kezdés: 2017.02.09.

Completion date: 30/11/2019Befejezés: 2019.11.30.

Location: Alsó-Tisza

Colas Hungária