Kelenföld wastewater pump station - Colas Alterra
Kelenföld wastewater pump station
With the realization of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant of Budapest the role of the Sewage Lifting Plant in Kelenföld will change as well. Its task from now on will be to get the sewage in dry weather and its triply diluted quantity in rainy weather to the Central Sewage Treatment Plant in Budapest through the Danube conduction. This total sewage quantity is 4,5 m3/sec, the major part of which (4,08 m~/sec) flows in from northern direction through the Buda conduction and from the plant’s own water collecting area, while the smaller part (0,42 m~/sec) comes in from the
south from the pumping station in Albertfalva.

Starting date: 12/01/2009Kezdés: 2009.01.12.

Completion date: 30/09/2009Befejezés: 2009.09.30.

Location: Budapest, Kelenföld

Colas Hungária