Kondoros sewage treatment plant - Colas Alterra
Kondoros sewage treatment plant
Colas Alterra undertook the construction works for the village’s wastewater treatment plant in May 2013 as the subcontractor of Duna Aszfalt.

The old plant at Kondoros was getting heavily outdated, unable to service the settlement due to its insufficient capacity and obsolete technology.

As an alternative to the technical scope defined in the tender documents, Colas Alterra Zrt. – on the recommendation of the designer – planned and constructed the brand new plant with SBR pools and biological timing. The size of the site enabled us to erect a completely new facility, while the old structures remained in place, as the tender’s specifications did not allow the demolition of those.

Starting date: 01/05/2014Kezdés: 2014.05.01.

Completion date: 04/08/2014Befejezés: 2014.08.04.

Location: Kondoros

Colas Hungária