Main currentline discharge
The main currentline discharge of the Budapest Central Wastewater Treatment Plant is one of the biggest outer diameter (3,000 mm) reinforced concrete pipes of our company, the intended purpose of which is to discharge the treated waste water into the main-current line of the Danube. For this end a 7 m deep construction pit bordered by watertight sheeting was constructed in the middle of the Danube at first. Then a working space of a further 11 m in depth was created at the same place, but in the bed of the Danube already. The pipe jacking equipment, and behind it he stack of jacked pipes, were placed into this space. As an extension of the pipeline a steel pipe outlet ending in a flattened piece discharges the treated water onto the stream-bed, with a fan-shaped spread. In the on-shore launch shaft a reinforced concrete well was constructed that connect the treated water line coming from the waste water treatment plant whit the jacked pipeline.
Starting date: 20/10/2008Kezdés: 2008.10.20.
Completion date: 10/11/2009Befejezés: 2009.11.10.
Location: Budapest