Public utility reconstruction in Székesfehérvár
With the primary goal of renovating the city’s potable water- and sewage lines, the local government of Székesfehérvár has recently launched a series of public procurement procedures for utility reconstruction works.
The reconstruction of Matrinovics Street – next to the Jáky József Middle School, which is familiar to many construction industry professionals – constituted the subject of the latest procurement procedure. At this location, we were tasked with rebuilding the pipes without disturbing the public utility services, and we subsequently constructed sidewalks, curbs and road pavement on both sides of the street.
Since Martinovics Street is only 170 metres long, the client set a quite short deadline: we had only 90 days for the complete reconstruction job.
Client: Székesfehérvár Önkormányzata
Starting date: 15/03/2016Kezdés: 2016.03.15.
Completion date: 15/06/2016Befejezés: 2016.06.15.
Location: Székesfehérvár