Rehabilitation of the Pásztó rural center
Colas Alterra Zrt. had been selected to complete the rehabilitation works of the Pásztó micro-region center. The job involved the reconstruction of buildings and listed buildings, and the reconstruction of public areas.
I. Reconstruction of buildings and memorial structures:
- Infrastructural modernization of the market square and the surrounding areas
- Reconstruction of the memorial temple
- Restoration works on the Csohány Gallery
- Unified restoration of the monastery monument
- Creation of a tourist reception in the existing building
- Restoration of the school of music
- Restoration of the multi-lingual high school building
- Restoration of the Mayor’s Office
The reconstruction of public areas included construction and restoration of roads, squares, parking spaces, replacement and reconstruction of public utility systems (electrical, sewage, information and water supply), creation of a surveillance system and renewal of green areas.
Starting date: 01/01/2010Kezdés: 2010.01.01.
Completion date: 01/01/2011Befejezés: 2011.01.01.
Location: Pásztó