Renovation works on tram line 37 in Budapest
Back in March 2011, BKV Zrt. (Budapest Public Transport Co.) announced a public procurement tender for reconstruction of tramline 37 in Budapest’s District X. The track closure period was only 29 days long, lasting from 9 July to 6 August 2011, making the time schedule tight: necessary tasks included superstructure demolition, substructure demolition and earthworks, drainage construction, CKT substructure construction, kerb construction, crushed aggregate lower bedding, construction of concrete sleepers and tracks, track-welding works, crushed aggregate upper bedding, fine adjustment of tracks, and construction of station platforms. Despite this tight schedule and adverse weather conditions, a timely handover was never in jeopardy. Due to mastic asphalt strips still having been hot, we could not get off at all tram-stop platforms during the trial run held at 6:00 p.m., but we were able to lift the track closure as desired by the client. Normal tram traffic resumed on 7 August 2011 morning.
- removal of 2054 vm Vg34, and 60 vm PH59 tramway tracks
- removal and transportation of 2300 m3 of used basalt and 1500 m3 of dirt
- installation of 700 fm pebble drain with DN150 drain pipe, with 6 sewer connections
- building of a 1300 m3 cement-based bearing structure
- implementation of 2500 m3 32/63 railway ballast
- building of 2128 vm S49 Vignol, and 90 vm PH59 tracks
- 2030 m elevated ledge
- 6 platforms, handicap accessible
- 3 road crossings of rolled asphalt with track switch
- covering of 243 m2 of PH tracks with rolled asphalt
- renovation of 3 waiting booths
Starting date: 01/07/2011Kezdés: 2011.07.01.
Completion date: 30/08/2011Befejezés: 2011.08.30.
Location: Budapest