We did not face any issues while pushing on with the works, partly because the first phase of the same job was also carried out by Colas Alterra four years ago. Interim variations were also minimal, without even affecting the price. As the single hindering factor, MOL Petrolkémia enforces very strict work and environmental criteria when it comes to performing activities at the facility. All personnel working on the area – including subcontractors – must participate in a training course and pass an exam beforehand. After receiving the daily go-ahead for works, air quality must be measured continuously by monitoring personnel, and compliance with this requirement was checked on a regular basis. Besides the company in general, the small team led by site manager Ferenc Gulyás and foreman Elek Garda can be especially proud of the high quality of the reservoirs, as well as our subcontractor for earthworks, Thermál Építő Kft., and our partner in waterproofing, Geofólia Kft.
Client: MOL Petrolkémia Zrt.
Starting date: 13/05/2019Kezdés: 2019.05.13.
Completion date: 06/01/2020Befejezés: 2020.01.06.
Location: Tiszaújváros