Sewage network in the Tápió region - Colas Alterra
Sewage network in the Tápió region
The wastewater drainage and treatment project of the Tápió region comprises the entire wastewater network for 20 settlements.

The project was divided into four separate tenders – the first of those (LOT1) was won by the consortium co-founded by Colas Alterra Zrt. This phase covers the design and construction works for the complete wastewater system at the settlements of Nagykáta, Szentmártonkáta, Szentlőrinckáta, Jászfelsőszentgyörgy and Tóalmás. Our contract for the job was signed with the Tápió Region Development Association on 13 September 2012. Our deadline is 13 September 2014.

The task of Colas Alterra is composed of the design and construction of the entire network at Tóalmás, the bulk of the regional network transferring wastewater to the treatment plant, and the public area transfer stations of the LOT1 settlements. Furthermore, it is necessary to have the water rights implementation permit modified, since its validity expires on 31 October 2013. The overall quantities include 20 km of gravity main lines, 12 km of domestic connections, 5 km of urban pressure lines, 95 domestic transfer pumps, 12 km regional pressure lines and 17 public area transfer stations.

Client: Tápió-menti Területfejlesztési Társulás

Starting date: 13/09/2012Kezdés: 2012.09.13.

Completion date: 13/09/2014Befejezés: 2014.09.13.

Location: Tóalmás

Length: 20 km gravity main + 12 km gravity domestic connectionHossz: 20 km gravity main + 12 km gravity domestic connection
Number of home connections: 95Házi bekötések száma: 95
Lifting: 17Átemelő: 17
Colas Hungária