Tramway-modernisation in Budapest - Colas Alterra
Tramway-modernisation in Budapest
This project for the public transport system in the capital involved modernisation of the tracks used by Siemens Combino trams for entering or leaving depots, an activity which affected the routes of trams 24, 28 and 37, as well as the lead track of the Baross tram depot. The work entailed rebuilding the track network on over 2,000 metres, as well as the track connections of two junctions and a part of the lead track behind the Baross depot. Furthermore, the investment covered an upgrade of the entire infrastructure, including elements such as switch controls and heating, catenary network, underground cables, platform power supply, the Baross power transformer, area lighting and platform renovation work.

Starting date: 01/10/2018Kezdés: 2018.10.01.

Completion date: 31/05/2019Befejezés: 2019.05.31.

Location: Budapest

Colas Hungária