Ádánd sewer network - Colas Alterra
Ádánd sewer network
The village of Ádánd is located in the Sió Valley, one of the popular holiday destinations near Lake Balaton in Somogy County. Currently, the settlement is without proper drainage and treatment of the generated wastewater. With the intention of improving this situation, the local government announced a tender – from KEOP (Environment and Energy Operative Programme) funding – for solving wastewater drainage and treatment in Ádánd, to which the best bid was submitted by the SZC Ádánd consortium. The goal of the scheme is to provide the village with a modern, eco-friendly wastewater network.

Colas Alterra and consortium leader Szabadics Zrt agreed on a 50-50 share of the project, which includes both design and construction phases. The contract with the client was signed on 29 November 2012, and works – including the operational trial of the treatment plant – must be concluded until the 11 December 2014 deadline.

The planned wastewater treatment uses activated sludge technology with nitrification, denitrification, partial biological- and additional chemical phosphorus-removal, and dehydration of the sludge undergone aerobic stabilisation.

The technical facilities of the wastewater treatment plant – comprising the plant’s transfer pump, the compartmentalised basin structure, and the radial-flow sedimentation tank – are to be set up on an approximately 42 x 21 metre area. After the treatment process, the decontaminated and cleaned wastewater is delivered to the Kis-Koppány creek through a pressurised line, and from there to the Sió Channel and the Danube.

The conclusion of drainpipe construction, installation of transfer pumps, power network works and the reinstatement of pavements are scheduled for the spring of 2014. Meanwhile, the qualification of drainpipes is running continuously on the completed sections. At the treatment plant, landscaping operations have been finished, while rebar assembly and concreting operations for the compartmentalised basin structure are already in progress.

Starting date: 29/11/2012Kezdés: 2012.11.29.

Completion date: 11/12/2014Befejezés: 2014.12.11.

Location: Ádánd

Length: 14 650 m gravity main / 4730 m pressurised lineHossz: 14 650 m gravity main / 4730 m pressurised line
Number of home connections: 855Házi bekötések száma: 855
Lifting: 4Átemelő: 4
Colas Hungária