Bereg flood control and floodplain-revitalisation project - Colas Alterra
Bereg flood control and floodplain-revitalisation project
In the past decades, flood levels have been steadily increasing in the Upper-Tisza region, resulting in severe floods inflicting heavy damages over the past 70 years. Despite recent flood control investments, flood safety is still not reassuring, as a number of surveys indicate an uninterrupted tendency of growing flood levels and water discharge in the Upper-Tisza area.

The planned development concerns 19 Hungarian settlements directly – however, it will provide improved flood protection for some 250 000 people living in 145 settlements over a complete area of 2763 km2.

Once the project is completed, the Bereg reservoir will be capable of storing 58 million m3 of water, thus decreasing flood levels on the Tisza River by 50-80 cm above Tivadar, and 15-20 cm below Vásárosnamény.

The investment comprises the major flood control reservoir with a capacity of 58 million m3 between the villages of Jánd and Gulács, as well as a multi-functional 12 million m3 additional reservoir near Lónya, including the related inlet and outlet structures, embankments and other water management and flow control facilities. In addition, the acquisition of flood control equipment supporting the reservoirs’ operation and an upgrade of the existing monitoring system also form a part of the project.

Client: Országos Vízügyi Főigazgatóság

Starting date: 26/03/2014Kezdés: 2014.03.26.

Completion date: 30/09/2015Befejezés: 2015.09.30.

Location: Tivadar

Area: 60 km2Terület: 60 km2
Colas Hungária