Development of the Sopron and Fertőrákos sewage treatment plants - Colas Alterra
Development of the Sopron and Fertőrákos sewage treatment plants
The project included: technological modernization of the sewage water plant while maintaining plant operation and increasing the dry weather flow daily capacity from 15,000 m3 to 21,000 m3; Sludge management and composting of the stabilized sludge with biogas recycling; The sewage treatment plant of Fertőrákos was converted into a pre-treatment and compensation tank and the partially pre-treated sewage water was discharged to the Sopron sewage treatment plant.

Sewage treatment plant of Sopron:

  • Water treatment units:
    Building of screens, sand traps, distribution structure (two units in parallel)
    Building of a storm water storage
    Building primary sedimentation
    Building of biological treatment structures I and II
    Construction of secondary clarifier unit no. 1 and 2 with scum removal shaft
    Construction of a scum and excess activated sludge removal gate-valve shaft
    Construction of a chemical dosing and storage room
    Conversion of the existing pumping station to MOBA drain water pumping station
    Construction of a blower station
    Construction of a ferrate solution storage facility
  • Sludge treatment units:
    Construction of excess sludge thickening and dewatering structure, with boiler and gas engine station,
    Construction of 2 digesters with a locking chamber, heat exchanger station and staircase
    Construction of a gas tank of 1,030 m3 capacity with gas flare
    Construction of a receiving station for truck-carried sewage water and excess activated sludge
    Construction of the industrial (treated) water supply system
  • Composting units at the plant: (Total area of composting spaces: 5.147 m2)
  • Other structures:
    Implementation of a transformer station
    Electricity supply and control
    Technological mechanics
    Technological pipes and shafts within the premises of the plant
    Road construction, landscaping

Sewage treatment plant of Fertőrákos:

  •  Construction of a sewage water pumping station
  •  Electric energy supply, control technology
  •  Technological pipes and shafts within the premises of the plant

Fertőrákos:  Construction of a DN 200 pre-treated sewage water pressure pipe 2,800 m

Starting date: 01/01/2007Kezdés: 2007.01.01.

Completion date: 31/12/2007Befejezés: 2007.12.31.

Location: Sopron

Colas Hungária