Lego plant public utilities
Both Colas Út and Colas Alterra participated in making the investment happen. The two Colas subsidiaries formed a consortium to carry out their share of the development scheme. Colas Út was responsible for asphalt-paved roads, stone-block and turf-block roads, sidewalks, basalt-concrete ramps, HGV docking platforms and parking lots, the public lighting network, and installation of the weighbridge. Meanwhile, Colas Alterra was tasked with constructing the potable-water network, the rainwater drainage system, the pressurised and gravity-fed wastewater-drainage systems, and the emergency water network.
photos: Bálint Pörneczi
Client: LEGO Manufacturing Kft.
Starting date: 25/02/2013Kezdés: 2013.02.25.
Completion date: 30/05/2014Befejezés: 2014.05.30.