Bicycle lane paved with coloured LT asphalt in Budapest - Colas Technológia
Bicycle lane paved with coloured LT asphalt in Budapest
A new example of the the application of low temperature (LT) and/or coloured asphalt mixes made with modified Bituclair or Végécol binder and CWM additive a stretch of red AC 11 (F) type wearing course constructed in the intersection of Bogdánfy road and Budafoki road, where the bicycle path was implemented with the use of coloured pavement. Our goal was to avoid paling of the pavement following wearing of the bitumen film from the aggregates’ surface – due to the natural reddish colour of crushed aggregates, the asphalt should retain its distinctive red shade in the long run. We hope, the coloured pavement will appeal to more and more people in Budapest.

Starting date: 02/11/2011Kezdés: 2011.11.02.

Completion date: 20/12/2011Befejezés: 2011.12.20.

Colas Hungária