Cold recycling VALORCOL trial section
Trial mixture production and a trial section construction took place in October 2009 in Hungary. We made two kinds of VALORCOL trial combination for testing: in one of the combinations we used 100% RAP with 0/11 particle size distribution, while the other mixture was designed with 80% RAP with 0/11 particle size distribution and 20% dolomite aggregates with 0/4 particle size distribution. The bituminous binder was a slow break cationic emulsion with 60% bitumen content in both trial mixtures, which was made at our Gyongyos plant. The VALORCOL trial mixtures were produced by a WIRTGEN KMA 150 type continuous mixer. The total amount of the trial constructed VALORCOL mixtures was approximately 300 tones.
Starting date: 26/10/2009Kezdés: 2009.10.26.
Completion date: 26/10/2009Befejezés: 2009.10.26.