2014. 10. 18..
Spektrum TV’s 18 October 2014 episode of Brutális fizika (Brutal physics) featured the shocking power of fire and water demonstrated by the two hosts: Károly Härtlein from the Institute of Physics at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and Totalcar’s journalist, István Vályi.
The second season of Brutal physics premiered on 4 October 2014 on Spektrum TV – the channel’s programme presents everyday physics phenomena in an entertaining and down-to-earth way. How to put out oil having caught fire in a frying pan? How much power does ice exert as its volume expands? Can 900 oC be endured in appropriate clothing? The presenters sought answers to all those questions in the October episode.
Colas Északkő’s quarry near Szob provided the venue for the third episode’s section focussing on water, shot this summer. The 15-strong film crew demonstrated the power of a common material like water with the help of the plant’s 30-metre-high quarry wall, and the nearly 30 cm3 capacity of the Terex TR70 dumper truck. The old Skoda, brought along by the producers, fell victim to water cascading down from the height of a ten-storey apartment building. Even veteran miners and machine operators were stunned by the devastation caused by the liquid in such quantities and amidst such circumstances.