2015. 04. 08..
The village of Tarcal was enriched with a new gem, as the 8.5-m-tall granite Blessing Christ statue was set up not far from the Colas facility, on the hill overlooking the quarry pond. The monumental 50-tonne statue was erected in a picturesque environment – the scenery from the hill and the nearby abandoned quarry give the location a special atmosphere. The sculpture was a donation from the proprietor of Nyír-Márvány Kft., and the local government
plans to build the roads and carry out greenery works on the site by the end of the summer. The Christ statue looks down to the village, and
local officials hope that the monument will give a new boost to tourism in Tarcal. It gives us great pleasure that Colas Északkő Kft. had the chance to make a contribution, and back this noble effort.