2014. 06. 10..
In each country, thousands of tests must be performed every year, and chlorinated carbohydrates – a range of chemicals having various carcinogenic effects – are commonly used as solvents. Initially, the most widely applied solvent was chloroform, which was later replaced by trichloroethylene. However, at Colas, we have already switched over to the application of less dangerous tetrachloroethylene.
In the October 2013 issue of Mozaik Magazine, we published an article on the “Sustainable Roads” project overseen by Magyar Közút and the Hungarian Road Society, with some of Colas’ professionals among the programme’s key figures. The 500-page publication issued as a result of their work contains recommendations for Hungary, explaining ways of adapting to new requirements related to the European Union’s upcoming seven-year-long budget cycle beginning in 2014. The topic of health- and environmental protection are among both the most important new criteria and Colas’ priorities. In the document, we made proposals for introducing an up-to-date, non-hazardous and eco-friendly method, which determines the binder content of asphalt mixes by burning off their bitumen content, and hence does not put the health of lab crews in jeopardy. The procedure has become a European standard, applied with favourable results in the Scandinavian countries, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States.
In Denmark, the so-called ignition method has already been introduced for defining binder content. Representing the ÚTLAB Association and Magyar Közút NZRt., road testing manager Pál Fülöp, and Colas’ technology director, Zoltán Puchard took part in a study tour in June 2014.
The guests examined the procedure in the central laboratory of COLAS DENMARK (located in the Viborg industrial zone), where they met director Lars Ladehoff and his team. The hosts showed the Hungarian delegation around in the facility, and they discussed experiences with the ignition method.
In addition, Mr. Fülöp and Mr. Puchard also visited the central laboratory of the Danish road administration in Copenhagen, where they had the chance to meet the leading experts of the Danish Road Institute. In the state-of-the-art lab, special emphasis is laid on environmental protection, and – among other issues – they also take the measurement of noise stress very seriously.
Utilising the results of the study tour, an ad-hoc committee was formed under the ÚTLAB Association with the goal of making proposals for the introduction of the procedure in Hungary.