2013. 05. 30..
With 21st century standards in focus, Colas’ professionals are currently involved in the preparatory work aimed at optimising the road network on the level of the national economy.
The Europe 2020 strategy, adopted by the European Commission in June 2010, defines the encouragement of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as one of its priorities. With respect to transport, the Europe 2020 strategy translates into the National Transport Strategy of Hungary (NTSH).
60 of the nation’s most highly qualified professionals were assigned with preparing the fulfilment of the targets defined during the Pavement Structure Conference held on 28-29 May. These goals were specified with consideration to the optimal maintainability of the road network, issues concerning energy efficiency and protection of the environment. The work is being coordinated by Attila Kovács, the manager of Magyar Közút, and Zoltán Puchard, Colas Hungária’s technology director.
The completion of the project should enable the standard of road technological planning to be greatly improved in Hungary, thus saving billions of forints for the country’s economy by reducing contractors’ losses due to unsuitable designs and defect liability costs. With a wide range of newly developed methods, Colas is a world leader when it comes to the application of innovative, efficient and eco-friendly technologies. We hope these solutions and the know-how behind them are going to regain recognition in Hungary.