2015. 04. 20..
Our colleague at Colas Hungária’s Technology Directorate, chief engineer Dr. Ágnes Vinczéné Görgényi was among the 2015 winners of the Hungarian Road Society’s GOLDEN MILESTONE prize. As the founders put it, the honour “is an acknowledgement of supreme intellectual, management and technical performance in the field of developing Hungary’s pubic road network and road transport, the propagation of European practices, and thus the integration of Hungarian road-related affairs into the European and universal mainstream and social scene.”
This year, the advisory board of the Hungarian Road Society (MAÚT) found three professionals worthy of the award. The 2015 winners of the MILLIARIUM AUREUM – GOLDEN MILESTONE prize are László Keresztes (from UNITEF ’83 Zrt.), Dr. Ágnes Vinczéné Görgényi (from the Technology Directorate of Colas Hungária Zrt.) and Dr. János Monigl (from FŐMTERV Mérnöki Tervező Zrt.).