Accreditation of CÉK’s rock testing laboratory in Tállya - Colas Északkő
Accreditation of CÉK’s rock testing laboratory in Tállya

2015. 06. 23..

Colas Északkő centralised its in-process qualification tests, and simultaneously upgraded its rock testing laboratory in terms of both human resources and equipment. Due to centralisation efforts within the Colas Group, as well as the new circumstances affecting personnel, regulations and resource management, it became necessary to reconsider the Central Laboratory’s role within the company, and to improve our in-process control testing procedures. The goal behind the development was to minimise in-process production control duties of our units, while also fulfilling expectations concerning a more centralised management.

For the sake of meeting these objectives, we completely standardised in-process control testing procedures, introduced the central management of production control, and also established a uniform documentation system. The newly formed central registry is intended to facilitate feedback from production control results to actual production technologies, and support the management-level addressing of quality-related risks regarding the products of certain plants.

In order to enable the Central Laboratory to perform all qualification- and/or technological tests for all CÉK plants efficiently and competently, significant upgrades were rendered necessary in connection with the resources at the lab’s disposal. In addition to personnel-related improvements, several new pieces of equipment were obtained, including an automatic methylene blue testing device (the only such machine in Hungary at the moment), drying cabinets and sieve shakers. Meanwhile, the facility’s floor space was nearly doubled.

The changes/modernisations – realised over a span of two years – made the laboratory organisation suitable for fulfilling its crucial supporting-controlling role regarding in-process production control with enhanced efficiency, while ensuring the required professional competence. Furthermore, the Central Laboratory was provided the means to perform its activities as an accredited lab, in accordance with the regulations set out by the Hungarian Accreditation Board.

Therefore, another accredited laboratory joined the ranks of the Hungarian Colas Group. To make the most out of its intended supporting function, the lab is set to carry out tests solely for the units of Colas Északkő Kft.

Automatikus vázlat 291
Colas Hungária