Északkő replaces control computers - Colas Északkő
Északkő replaces control computers

2017. 02. 15..

Recently, computers that manage the processing technologies experienced unforeseen malfunctions at three separate sites of Colas Északkő. This posed serious problems, because such control failures inevitably shut down the production at facilities where automated production systems are in place. In each instance, the malfunction was attributable to the equipment, as machines responsible for controlling the technologies were outdated and originally designed for office use.

Replacing the pieces of equipment in question has been among our plans for two years – therefore, we already selected the hardware suitable for the task and the application environment back in 2016. The primary criterion was to reduce the chance of malfunctions, and on that account, we picked a dual-monitor system with computers designed for uninterrupted industrial use, which involve no moving or rotating parts to ensure advanced reliability.

The availability of spare part supply for at least a five-year period was also an important aspect, as this will help us to minimise maintenance and repair times.

As another unexpected malfunction, the control machine at the Szob mining plant refused to start up properly after the long December break, which led us to begin testing the new system in January at Szob instead of the originally planned Tállya quarry.

The new computer has been running problem-free at Szob since January, which just confirmed our decision to replace control machines in each one of our facilities before the end of the year to enhance the reliability of production.

Colas Hungária