Protected species assessed in Zemplén quarries - Colas Északkő
Protected species assessed in Zemplén quarries

2014. 03. 10..

The observation of plants and birds was carried out by environmental protection expert Viktor Gábor Papp, who organised a multi-day, 24-hour surveillance of the species living on the quarry sites. His work and the data collection were aided by the rangers assigned to the area, as well as the staff of our facilities.

The most important natural values include the Eurasian Eagle-Owl (Bubo bubo), the Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) and the Common Raven (Corvus corax).

In Tarcal – on areas undisturbed by normal quarrying operations – Eagle-Owls have inhabited their old nesting place despite being exposed to smaller predators. Black Storks are yet to arrive, but the Ravens are already hatching their eggs.

In Tállya, the usual habitat was located on the unmined Nagy-Meleg-oldal in the previous years, but nests have become scarce and are only present on the upper edge of the quarry wall. Eagle-Owls do not reside here, despite being frequent visitors as they seek their prey.

As for the Sárospatak plant, the habitat in the old quarry yard was well-documented by Colas in the previous years. The fox skeleton found nearby indicates that nesting is probably not safe on the area. Therefore, birds tend to choose the nests on the northern wall of the active quarry. Presumably, the mining activity keeps their natural enemies away, thus minimising the number of threats.

In Bodrogkeresztúr, we did not find any evidence pointing to the presence of Owls. However, on the western wall opposite the excavation area, a pair of Ravens was spotted.

According to the official opinion of the expert, the nesting of highly protected birds and the nursing of their chicks is not disturbed by normal operations in Colas Északkő’s mines in the Tokaj-hegyalja region.

As in every year, the report was forwarded to the Northern Hungarian Inspectorate for Environment and Nature in order to comply with the relevant regulations.

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Colas Hungária