Budapest road reconstructions 2010 – Phase 1 - Colas Út
Budapest road reconstructions 2010 - Phase 1
Similarly to previous years, we were very successful in the tenders called by the Municipality of Budapest with a view to selecting the main contractor for the road reconstruction works of Phase I of 2010. We were selected to renew 86% of the roads included in the plan for a total value of HUF 1.5 billion. The surface repair of 23 segments was completed between May and August over more than 180,000 m2 and nearly 19 kilometers in length.

Client: Local Government of Budapest

Starting date: 01/01/2010Kezdés: 2010.01.01.

Completion date: 31/12/2010Befejezés: 2010.12.31.

Location: Budapest

Length: 19 kmHossz: 19 km
Asphalt: 18 000 m2Aszfalt: 18 000 m2
Concrete: 5 000 m2Beton: 5 000 m2
Colas Hungária