The nearly 2.2-km-long, newly built 2×1 and 2×2 lane road was designed to connect the eastern section of the M0 and Szentmihályi Road.
Earthworks were preceded by cutting down vegetation on an area of approximately 38 000 m2.
The new carriageway was designed with two roundabouts – providing connections to Szentmihályi Road and Szlovák Road – and one bridge. The interchange at Szentmihályi Road involved the transformation of a busy four-way junction – as we were required to maintain traffic at all times, the construction works were carried out in no less than nine temporary traffic engineering phases.
Since the Szilas Creek crosses the new boundary road, Colas Alterra built a bridge with 16 m of free span. Under the bridge, on both sides of the paved creek bed, 4.5-m-wide service roads were set up on a length of 90 m.
The embankment for the 30,000 m2 asphalt pavement required over 65,000 m3 of materials, with the height of embankments varying between 1 m and 4.5 m.
Drainage of the new stretch of road is provided by 3,900 m2 of paved ditches leading water into the Szilas Creek.
Starting date: 11/05/2009Kezdés: 2009.05.11.
Completion date: 09/04/2010Befejezés: 2010.04.09.
Location: Rákospalota
Number of lanes: 2x1 / 2x2Sávok száma: 2x1 / 2x2
Asphalt: 30 000 m2Aszfalt: 30 000 m2
Earthworks: 65 000 m3Földmunka: 65 000 m3
Number of structures: 1Műtárgyak száma: 1