Csongrád bypass section on road 451
In 2009, the National Infrastructure Development Agency announced an open tender for a section of road 451 bypassing the city of Csongrád. Following the procedure, the job was awarded to the Csongrád 2009 Consortium uniting Colas Építő Zrt. and SZEVIÉP Zrt. In accordance with the agreement between the companies, Colas Építő Zrt. acted as the leader of the consortium. The construction contract was signed on 10 April 2009.
The bypass leg starts from the roundabout established at chainage 22+206 km of road 451, and ends at a similar interchange located at chainage 26+911 km. Further roundabouts were built to provide connections to adjacent side roads numbered 4517 and 4519. The deadline of the construction works was 30 June 2010. As part of the investment – in addition to the public utility relocations rendered necessary at the junctions – a railway crossing was built with the related signalling system.
Starting date: 29/06/2009Kezdés: 2009.06.29.
Completion date: 30/06/2010Befejezés: 2010.06.30.
Location: Csongrád
Length: 4.7 kmHossz: 4.7 km
Section: 22+206-26+911Szelvény: 22+206-26+911
Number of lanes: 2x1Sávok száma: 2x1
Asphalt: 10 100 m3Aszfalt: 10 100 m3
Concrete: 7 100 m3Beton: 7 100 m3
Earthworks: 78 000 m3Földmunka: 78 000 m3
Section: 22+206-26+911Szelvény: 22+206-26+911
Number of lanes: 2x1Sávok száma: 2x1
Asphalt: 10 100 m3Aszfalt: 10 100 m3
Concrete: 7 100 m3Beton: 7 100 m3
Earthworks: 78 000 m3Földmunka: 78 000 m3