Implementation of bypass road No 260 Sajószentpéter-Berente - Colas Út
Implementation of bypass road No 260 Sajószentpéter-Berente
The construction of the Sajószentpéter-Berente bypass was made necessary by the traffic jams and congestion, as well as the enormous environmental and noise pollution. Colas Út completed the section between 14+620 and 16+540 km.

Technical handover – completion date : 01.12.2023.

Opening to traffic : 21.12.2023.

Client: NIF Zrt.

Starting date: 15/06/2021Kezdés: 2021.06.15.

Completion date: 21/12/2023Befejezés: 2023.12.21.

Location: Sajószentpéter-Berente

Length: 10.6 kmHossz: 10.6 km
Number of lanes: 2x1Sávok száma: 2x1
Asphalt: 10.418 tAszfalt: 10.418 t
Concrete: 8.111 m3Beton: 8.111 m3
Earthworks: 358.065 m3Földmunka: 358.065 m3
Number of structures: 8Műtárgyak száma: 8
Colas Hungária