Implementation of Highway 23 - Colas Út
Implementation of Highway 23
The development will be achieved by upgrading and renovating the crossing section of Bátonyterenye, building a new bypass and creating a north-south link road. The project will link Kisterenye and Nagybátony and bypass Bátonyterenye. The works will significantly reduce the risk of accidents, traffic on the inland sections and the environmental impact on the inland environment, thus improving the quality of life of the local population and providing shorter access times to the settlements in the area.

Client: NIF Zrt.

Starting date: 05/04/2022Kezdés: 2022.04.05.

Completion date: 31/07/2024Befejezés: 2024.07.31.

Location: Bátonyterenye

Length: 6,8 kmHossz: 6,8 km
Number of lanes: 2x1Sávok száma: 2x1
Number of structures: 8Műtárgyak száma: 8
Colas Hungária