Our assignment included a number of public utility relocations – among them power line standardisation, utility pole relocation, drinking water line, underground telecommunication cable and gas distribution line relocations. The design and permitting procedure for these works was not always smooth, since a number of changes in relevant legal regulations took effect on 1 January, which greatly affected our job. The permit for the gas line relocation was obtained in early September 2013, enabling us to commence the works in mid-September. The technical handing over of the road construction was initiated within the set deadline on 30 September, and closed on 25 October.
Client: Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.
Starting date: 13/08/2013Kezdés: 2013.08.13.
Completion date: 25/10/2013Befejezés: 2013.10.25.
Location: Komoró
Asphalt: 3 561 m3Aszfalt: 3 561 m3
Concrete: 3 379 m3Beton: 3 379 m3
Earthworks: 48 314 m3Földmunka: 48 314 m3