M86 Szeleste-Hegyfalu - Colas Út
M86 Szeleste-Hegyfalu
Works on the four-lane, 7.5-km-long high-speed road section were assigned to the consortium co-founded by Colas Út Zrt. and Euroaszfalt Kft. Following a 23-month-long construction period, the job is set to come to an end by September 2015. The 2×2 lane road is constructed with a crown width of 25.6 metres by the Western Hungarian Regional Directorate of Colas Út, which has recently undergone a series of large-scale reorganisations.

Client: Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.

Starting date: 01/10/2013Kezdés: 2013.10.01.

Completion date: 01/09/2015Befejezés: 2015.09.01.

Location: Szeleste

Length: 7.5 kmHossz: 7.5 km
Section: 98+300-105+800Szelvény: 98+300-105+800
Number of lanes: 2x2Sávok száma: 2x2
Asphalt: 76 000 tAszfalt: 76 000 t
Concrete: 35 000 m3Beton: 35 000 m3
Earthworks: 1 090 000 m3Földmunka: 1 090 000 m3
Number of structures: 12Műtárgyak száma: 12
Colas Hungária