From the 34.4-km-long leg between the cities of Békéscsaba and Orosháza, we are carrying out pavement reinforcement on 20 kilometres of the main carriageway, while our duties also include the building and reconstruction of bicycle roads on 12 and 2.6 kilometres, respectively.
In addition, our assignment involves the reconstruction of the Orosháza bypass section in a total length of 6.8 km (section IV), where we are cooperating with Colas Hungária Zrt. to refurbish the overpass above the Szarvas-Mezőhegyes railway line. The job entails a comprehensive renovation of all asphalt surfaces, shoulders, and the traffic engineering signs.
Client: Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.
Starting date: 17/03/2014Kezdés: 2014.03.17.
Completion date: 15/09/2015Befejezés: 2015.09.15.
Location: Békéscsaba
Section: 132+921-167+332Szelvény: 132+921-167+332
Number of lanes: 2x1Sávok száma: 2x1