The new carriageway requires the Szarvas Inn – first officially mentioned historically in 1765 – to be torn down. Since the Inn is of special historic value, and is the last remaining establishment of its kind in Vas County, a decision was adopted following commencement of the works to rebuild it at a new location in the Szombathely open-air folk museum. The subcontractor for the disassembly was selected carefully in accordance with guidelines laid down by the Savaria Museum. Having a chance to create new values, contribute to making life easier for citizens, while also preserving a piece of our history is our true pleasure.
Client: Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.
Starting date: 30/09/2013Kezdés: 2013.09.30.
Completion date: 30/09/2015Befejezés: 2015.09.30.
Number of lanes: 2x1Sávok száma: 2x1
Asphalt: 55 000 tAszfalt: 55 000 t
Concrete: 25 000 m3Beton: 25 000 m3
Earthworks: 425 000 m3Földmunka: 425 000 m3
Number of structures: 7Műtárgyak száma: 7